Life Skills
At The Stables Independent School, our Life Skills curriculum underpins much of what we do. We want to properly prepare our pupils for life beyond our school, the transition onto the next stage of their education and upon leaving the care system.
Throughout our delivery of life skills education, we stress the uniqueness of each learner and one of the aims is to provide a starting point for identifying individual priorities based on an assessment of need. Zones of Regulation activities, the Thrive approach and Personal Education Plan targets are some of the ways we highlight priorities. All pupils participate in our TITAN programme which gives pupils opportunities to develop their independent travel skills along with their communication skills, problem-solving skills and personal wellbeing and safety awareness. It also covers a range of other life skills which will help pupils to become self-reliant and confident when out and about in the community and further afield.
We have partnered with Norfolk County Council’s TITAN (Travel Independence Training across Norfolk) team and are currently delivering the Ready to Go! travel training programme to our students. TITAN offers young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support to help them to become confident independent travellers. The Ready to Go! programme is a flexible framework for students from Year 7 onwards and teaches six core modules:
- Pedestrian Skills
- Communication Skills
- Personal Health, Safety and Wellbeing
- Problem-Solving Skills
- Journey Planning Skills
- Journey Practice Skills
Life skills education is delivered across the school curriculum through our PHSRE programme, RE lessons, British Values activities and SMSC activities, as well as through PE, outdoor learning and enrichment activities.
Our main areas of learning in the life skills curriculum are:
- Social Understanding and Relationships
- Learning and engagement
- Communication and Interaction
- Emotional understanding and self-awareness
- Sensory processing (where required)
- Healthy living
- Interests, routines and processing
- Independence and community participation
We want our pupils to enjoy building the skills needed to lead a successful life in the wider community. We want them to leave The Stables well-prepared and ready to be as self-sufficient as possible with the skills and knowledge of how and where to seek help if they need it. We want to give them the ability to forge, develop and maintain successful relationships both at school and at home, socially, and eventually in the world of work.