
At The Stables Independent School, we follow the White Rose Maths programme. Our schemes of learning are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning, as well as to support the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum. Our teachers plan maths lessons that are fun and inclusive and our Maths classes are made up of groups of pupils with similar levels of knowledge, skills and ability. The learning has number at its heart and a lot of time is spent reinforcing number to build competency; the lessons provide opportunities to build reasoning and problem solving. 

We believe that all pupils who are introduced to a new concept should have the opportunity to build on their abilities by following a CONCRETE – PICTORIAL – ABSTRACT approach.

CONCRETE – pupils use concrete objects (shapes, counters etc) to help them understand what they are learning.

PICTORIAL – alongside this, pupils use pictorial representations which can then be used to help reason and solve problems.

ABSTRACT – the use of both concrete and pictorial representations supports and develops pupils’ understanding of deeper Maths problems and helps them to acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence to solve them.

Alongside White Rose Maths, we have trained staff who use Numicon Maths with certain pupils who may need to develop some of the basic knowledge and skills in Maths in a differentiated manner before having the confidence to access the full White Rose learning programme. This is taught as an intervention and is delivered on a 1:1 basis.

Maths groups long term plan