School Council (British Values & SMSC)

School Council

Because of our unique size, at The Stables, we have an elected School Council. The whole school elect Champions who take the responsibility for key areas of school life and the school environment. 

Five pupils have been elected with the following areas of focus:

*Eco Champion – resonsible for ensuring we have an eco-friendly school

*Charity Champion – responsible for organising events to raise money for charity

*Enterprise Champion – responsible for organising enterprise activities to raise money for the school

*School Improvement Champion – in charge of ideas to improve our school

*Sports Champion – to promote all things to do with sport and physical activity

We also have an elected Head Pupil.

Elections will be held each year to appoint School Council members and Champions. By involving all pupils in the School Council activity, we hope to empower them to imagine and implement real change and improvement. This also links strongly with many areas of our curriculum, most importantly Life Skills. We hope that this involvement will enable all pupils to see that they can have a positive impact on their school and their community which will, in turn, allow them to become valuable contributors to the wider society when they leave us.

SMSC and British Values

Our curriculum is balanced and broadly-based and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils. It prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. It provides an introduction to the essential knowledge they need to be educated responsible citizens, teaches the fundametal British Values and develops a growing appreciation of the breadth of human creativity and achievement.

We want our pupils to be able to contribute, cooperate, reflect and respect each other’s views in order to develop an understanding that much of what we achieve in society is through collaboration and teamwork. 

The school makes considerable efforts to ensure pupils have exposure to a wide experience beyond their local community during which these concepts are demonstrated through, for example, residential visits and outdoor centres and also through hosting visiting speakers from different groups. Our strong-rooted values-based understanding gives us an excellent platform for embracing difference.