Vision, Aims & Ethos
The Stables Independent School believes that all children should be given the opportunity of a rich and engaging school experience. We provide a personalised learning approach adapted for each pupil so that they have life skills and knowledge that enables them to build aspirational futures. We want our children to be happy at school, develop positive relationships and become responsible, respectful young people. Our educational approach is diverse, thought-provoking, creative, inspirational and soaked in memorable moments.
We support pupils who have experienced exclusion, disruption to school attendance and a fear of learning. We transform these experiences by supporting every child to be safe, happy, resilient and inspired to learn and achieve.
Our School Aims
To promote a love of learning.
To provide a happy, safe and secure learning environment with positive, caring attachment figures.
To nurture, confident, resilient individuals who are equipped and skilled for later life through a life skills curriculum that runs alongside everything we do.
To give everyone the opportunity to fulfil their highest potential, both academically, and in respect of their wider interests and talents.
To offer a bespoke curriculum that meets individual needs and closes gaps in learning with local, national and international dimensions.
To offer the widest possible range of enrichment activities and experiences, including a range of off-site activities and educational visits.
To provide expert teaching and high-quality learning experiences with staff who are well trained, highly motivated and well supported.