
At the Stables Independent School, each pupil is assessed and taught to read individually, with a personalised approach planned and delivered, including additional interventions where required. We use Fresh Start and Read, Write Inc  to deliver our phonics teaching, with the online Reading Eggs resource to complement this. Each pupil is taught at the appropriate phase of Fresh Start or Read, Write Inc in order to either fill gaps in or build upon their knowledge and understanding as required following assessment. Not every pupil will require phonics input.

Fresh Start is a proven phonics intervention for pupils aged 9 to 13+ who have slipped through the reading net.  Read, Write Inc is a phonics programme for KS 1 children, teaching them to apply synthetic phonics to reading and writing.  Children develop reading fluency and comprehension, spell and write with confidence and learn to articulate their ideas and understanding.  
Children are regularly assessed for their progress and teaching is carried out in small, targeted groups.